The TRUTH about ADHD

Is ADHD/ADD actually a disease? or is it just a myth? Could this be a disease not of the individual suffering with ADHD/ADD but of the society that expects individuals to behave a certain way? Is it just possible that these individuals are born with more energy then the average person and perhaps their brain proccesses things faster and that is where the inability to deal with long drawn out monotonous functions?  We are all born witrh different sets of characteristics of our personality(ies) Perhaps the problems is with societies inability to accept these individuals as unique and perhaps they should stop trying to force them to be like others?Maybe these children require more attention from their parents then the average person needs and when they dont get it they suffert? Maybe parents need to put down the remote control, cell phone and every other life distraction and spend more time paying attention to them & showing them how special they are. Maybe teachers need to stop trying to make these children fit into the regular school delivery of the regular curriculum. Not everyone fits into the way the current education stands. Maybe we need to make a better education system for these people and all people. Instead of druging these children parents should step up and deal with their childrens uniquness instead of giving in to societies “normal”  In these video below and decide what is fact and what is fiction!

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